Company Profile
Execution by our outstanding teamwork, besides, RE-DAI uses computerized system throughout the company from production to management to best serve our customers in small quantity with a wide variety of items.
Designs on the function of our products no matter our ratchet handle or sockets are helping our customers work better in achieving their job. Our expertise and technology giving our customers to be more competitive in price, more efficient in work.
Accuracy to every process, high criteria quality control elevates our products above the world standards such as DIN, ANSI and JIS. RE-DAI has been accredited with TRPS Manufacturing and Operating Facilitates’ certificate, TUV Rhineland product Quality Control Certificate, ISO 9001 and GS Approval Certificate.
Innovation the essential leads RE-DAI to success. The current competitive environment is the most challenging ever. How to enhance our products performance and value has been our mission to meet the requirement of the markets. Innovation is the core of RE-DAI value.